Program Overview

Become a thought leader and implement meaningful change in education with Aurora University’s online Doctor of Education degree. This immersive online doctorate in education program combines academic rigor, practical application, and current trends in educational research to prepare you for the next step in your career. It includes five strand options to specialize your studies for your chosen professional path:

  • Instructional Leadership: Coaching and Mentoring
  • Leadership in Educational Administration: Superintendent Endorsement (EdD)
  • Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration for Principal Endorsed
  • Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration for Superintendent Endorsed
  • Leadership in Higher Education Administration

This program trains you to address current issues and challenges in education as you work with your peers and build a strong network in districts and institutions across Illinois and beyond. It features three starts per year in January, May, and August.

The online EdD degree program connects theory and practice to provide a comprehensive view of Pre-K–12 instructional leadership and higher education. Graduates can apply their studies to solve complex problems, carry out forward-thinking initiatives, and transform their workplaces.

No matter which doctorate in education strand you choose, you’ll gain advanced skills for the next step in your education career.

Curriculum Overview

You will complete an internship at your current place of employment to gain hands-on experience. In addition, all students orally defend and publish a final dissertation on an approved topic. AU students have a dissertation completion rate of 70–80%, surpassing the national average. You may also complete 13 courses to receive your Superintendent Endorsement that can be transferred into the online EdD degree program.

Our EdD degree online courses are taught by experienced faculty who are experts in the education field. An optional, synchronous writing retreat opportunity is available but not required.

If you are a current student already enrolled in the EdD program and need resources as you work through your dissertation, you can find more information here.

Skills Gained in the Online EdD Degree

Choose from five strand options and take 13 courses led by experienced faculty members to earn Aurora’s EdD degree online. Complete an internship at your current place of employment for applied learning, and graduate proficient in the following areas:

  • Change management
  • Educational research
  • Ethical and legal issues in education
  • Instruction and assessment
  • Organizational theory
  • Strategic planning

Why Choose Aurora?

At Aurora University, you’ll learn from practitioner-based faculty members who are focused on teaching an industry-aligned curriculum. Our online programs are designed for working professionals and built with maximum flexibility in mind, so you’ll have the support you need to balance your studies with your busy schedule. Imagine what you can accomplish at a university that offers:

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Available Specialization

Instructional Leadership: Coaching and Mentoring

This strand is designed for teachers, curriculum instruction educators, and principals who are ready to become curriculum directors and teacher educators. You will study topics such as teacher development, program evaluation, data analysis for school improvement, and instructional practices.

Leadership in Educational Administration: Superintendent Endorsement

This strand is designed for educational leaders who want to become a superintendent or hold other top positions in school districts. You'll study topics such as curriculum and assessment for all levels of education and types of students as well as law, coaching and mentoring, research, and data analysis. Completing the ISBE-approved coursework allows you to earn the Superintendent Endorsement.

Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration for Principal Endorsed

This strand of the online Doctor of Education program is designed for educators who have completed a master's degree in educational leadership and hold an active Illinois principal endorsement. Students in the program will graduate with the credential to pursue upper-administrative roles such as assistant superintendent and director.

Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration for Superintendent Endorsed

This strand is designed for administrators who already hold an Illinois Superintendent Endorsement and are ready to advance their careers in K–12 school district leadership through continued study. Students research areas relevant to their practice and publish a final dissertation. As an advanced standing program, this option allows you to complete your doctoral degree in two years by transferring previous credits earned from the Superintendent Endorsement.

Leadership in Higher Education Administration

This strand is designed for educators and administrators currently employed in postsecondary environments such as community colleges and four-year universities. After studying a curriculum that explores topics such as adult learning, institutional equity, and educational research, students graduate from this program prepared to move into leadership roles at the director, dean, and provost levels.

Program Details

  • Next Start Date:August 25, 2025
  • Est. Program Length:3-6 years
  • Credit Hours:60
  • Course Length:8-16 weeks
  • Cost Per Credit:$690

Instructional Leadership: Coaching and Mentoring Strand

Required Courses (60 credits)

  • EDU7133 Organizational Theory and Change Management (4)
  • EDU7310 Proseminar in Educational Research (4)
  • EDU7325 Curriculum and Assessment for K-12 Regular Education (3)
  • EDU7410 Instructional Coaching and Adult Learning in the Profession (5)
  • EDU8170 Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education (3)
  • EDU7355 Curriculum and Assessment for Special Populations (3)
  • EDU7500 Effective Principles of Mentoring and Professional Conversations (3)
  • EDU8010 Introduction to Educational Research Designs (4)
  • EDU8100 Quantitative Research (4)
  • EDU8163 Curriculum Internship: Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development (2)
  • EDU8460 Instructional Practices and Learning Theories for School Improvement (4)
  • EDU8190 Qualitative Research (4)
  • EDU8255 Program Evaluation and Data Analysis for School Improvement (3)
  • EDU8420 Dissertation Seminar (4)
  • EDU8800 Dissertation (10)

Program Milestones:

Qualifying Self- Assessment
Comprehensive Exams
Dissertation Defense

Leadership in Educational Administration: Superintendent Endorsement

Required Courses (60 credits)

  • EDU7133 Organizational Theory and Change Management (4)
  • EDU7335 Advanced School District Finance (3)
  • EDU7325 Curriculum and Assessment for K-12 Regular Education (3)
  • EDU7365 Advanced School Law and Human Resources (3)
  • EDU7355 Curriculum and Assessment for Special Populations (3)
  • EDU7345 Advanced Operations and System Management (3)
  • EDU7510 Superintendent and Policy (3)
  • EDU7715 Illinois School District Superintendent Internship 1 (2)
  • EDU7330 Equity, Ethics, and Excellence in School District Leadership Intensive I (1)
  • EDU7725 Illinois School District Superintendent Internship 2 (2)
  • EDU7340 Equity, Ethics, and Excellence in School District Leadership Intensive II (1)
  • EDU7735 Illinois School District Superintendent Internship 3 (2)
  • EDU7350 Equity, Ethics, and Excellence in School District Leadership Intensive III (1)
  • EDU7310 Proseminar in Ed Research (4)
  • EDU8010 Introduction to Educational Research Designs (4)
  • EDU8100 Quantitative Research (4)
  • EDU8190 Qualitative Research (4)
  • EDU8420 Dissertation Seminar (4)
  • EDU8800 Dissertation (9)*

Program Milestones:

Qualifying Self- Assessment
Comprehensive Exams
Dissertation Defense

Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration Principal Endorsed and Superintendent Endorsed

Required Courses (30 credits)

  • EDU7310 Proseminar in Educational Research (4)
  • EDU8010 Introduction to Educational Research Designs (4)
  • EDU8100 Quantitative Research (4)
  • EDU8190 Qualitative Research (4)
  • EDU8420 Dissertation Seminar (4)
  • EDU8800 Dissertation (10)**

Leadership in Higher Education Administration

Required Courses (60 credits)

  • EDU7165 Ethical and Legal Issues of Adult Learning Contexts (4)
  • EDU7235 Fundamentals of Enrollment Management (4)
  • EDU7310 Proseminar in Educational Research (3)
  • EDU-7420 Institutional Governance Structures & Leadership (4)
  • EDU8010 Introduction to Educational Research Designs (4)
  • EDU8100 Quantitative Educational Research (4)
  • EDU8175 Institutional Diversity and Equity (4)
  • EDU8190 Qualitative Research in Education (4)
  • EDU8225 Philosophies of Adult Learning (3)
  • EDU8300 Strategic Planning: Evaluation, Assessment, Budgeting, and Reporting (3)
  • EDU8315 Adult Learning and Higher Education Internship (2)
  • EDU8420 Dissertation Seminar (4)
  • EDU8520 Seminar in Higher Education Administration (3)
  • EDU8530 Historical Foundations of Higher Education (3)
  • EDU8800 Dissertation (1–10)

Program Milestones:

Qualifying Self- Assessment
Comprehensive Exams
Dissertation Defense

*Continuous enrollment must be maintained until degree completion and a minimum of 9 dissertation hours in the Ed Admin track

** Student must maintain continuous enrollment until degree completion and complete a minimum of 10 dissertation hours.

Those accepted into the advanced standing strand can transfer up to 30 credit hours of coursework from the Superintendent Endorsement or Principal Endorsement and must take 30 credit hours of research-related coursework. Students with fewer than 30 credit hours of transfer credit must take elective courses to fulfill the total 60 credit hours needed to graduate with a doctorate in education. 

Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice. Please contact the Student Accounts Office for questions or information on current tuition, fees, room, board, and other rates.

Applicants to the online doctorate in education program must hold a master’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Required content for the admission portfolio includes:

  • A completed Graduate Application for Admission.
  • Transcripts (official, sealed in envelope) showing completion of an appropriate master’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Aurora University accepts official electronic transcripts at
  • The names and addresses of at least two references. Possible references to consider include:
    • A person familiar with your academic work/previous master’s program professor.
    • A person familiar with your professional work, such as a principal, department chair, etc. (not the same person as below).
    • A person representing your school district or employer who can assess your leadership potential.
  • A curriculum vitae or detailed resume that includes your work experience, educational background, professional experience, professional activities, honors, professional publications and/or presentations, and other relevant information relating to your leadership background.
  • A personal statement, approximately 1,000 to 2,000 words in length, describing your present goals and interests and showing their connection to prior experiences and to the EdD program.
  • For admission to the Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration for Superintendent Endorsed strand, applicants must possess a valid Illinois State Board of Education Superintendent Endorsement (or a similar endorsement from another state) and be employed as a school leader.
  • For admission to the Advanced Standing: Leadership in Educational Administration for Principal Endorsed strand, applicants must possess a valid Type 75 Credential or the Principal Endorsement on a Professional Educators License (or a similar endorsement from another state) and two masters’ degrees (one associated with the Type 75 credential and the other in an education-related field).
  • To gain admission to the Leadership in Educational Administration with Superintendent Endorsement, candidates must hold an administrative position in their school districts. In addition, Illinois candidates must also hold the Type 75 Credential or the Principal Endorsement on a Professional Educators License.
  • Upon submission of a completed admissions portfolio, applicants must complete an interview with members of the School of Education faculty and submit a timed writing proficiency.

All AU Online students must have unrestricted access to a computer or mobile device with high-speed internet to participate in online courses. AU Online uses Brightspace to host its online classes. All students will be charged an $80 technology fee per semester, regardless of the number of credits taken.

Transferable course credit is considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact an enrollment counselor for more details.

AU Online’s Transfer Policy

Online Doctor of Education Career Outcomes

Professionals pursuing jobs with an EdD degree are qualified to work in a broad range of fields from K-12 and higher education to nonprofits, business, government, healthcare, and the military. Earning your EdD degree online from AU can help you maximize your impact in education by pursuing meaningful careers such as curriculum director, provost, university administrator, and more. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Illinois boasts the fifth highest employment of education and library professionals in the nation, with Chicago ranking third among metropolitan areas.1 This indicates a positive career outlook for AU alums upon graduation.

Possible roles for graduates of this program include:

  • Instructional coordinator ($86,150/year in Illinois2)
  • Postsecondary faculty member, Education ($72,560/year in Illinois2)
  • Provost ($102,900/year in Illinois2)
  • Superintendent ($114,230/year in Illinois2)


  1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics. “Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2023: 25-0000 Educational Instruction and Library Occupations (Major Group).” April 3, 2024. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
  2. .
  3. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics. “May 2023 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates: Illinois.” April 3, 2024. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from

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